Minimally-invasive Fat Reduction and Tissue Tightening with RFAL BodyTite
Minimally-invasive Fat Reduction and Tissue Tightening
BodyTite is a radiofrequency-assisted technology used to tighten laxity of body tissues while removing fat. This is a minimally-invasive body contouring procedure, and is done in the operating room under sterile conditions, just like a surgery for your comfort and safety. It can be used to shrink down skin when there is some laxity or in cases where liposuction leaves behind some loose skin. It can be used on most areas of the body like the abdomen, back, bra rolls, arms, and thighs.
Are you one of the many people who have been exercising to get rid of the extra baggage you have been lugging around your midsection? Maybe you can’t seem to lose contour certain body areas no matter how much you diet? Do you have some excess fat and skin but don’t want traditional surgery?
You may have tried non-invasive technologies like Coolsculpting, Sculpsure, or Vanquish that haven’t worked that well or required many cycles or sessions, still leaving you frustrated. There is a better solution! With the advancement in new, minimally-invasive technology, it is now easier than ever to contour your body with BodyTite.
What is BodyTite?
BodyTite is a minimally invasive body contouring procedure that delivers results that could only be obtained in the past using more traditional surgical approaches. BodyTite uses sophisticated radiofrequency technology to shrinks tissues tissues in the skin and subcutaneous connective tissues, all while enhancing the results of liposuction, as fat becomes heated.
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Schedule a Consultation
If you are interested in learning more about BodyTite Minimally-invasive Body Contouring, contact our San Mateo, CA office today at 650-460-7260. Our practice, Elite Transformations, is located in the San Francisco Bay Area.