Vaginal Rejuvenation Procedures
Vaginal Rejuvenation can improve more than just appearance. These procedures can help a woman gain the confidence she’s been lacking and even improve her health and sex life. The procedures below can be done on their own or combined with other vaginal rejuvenation procedures such as Labiaplasty and V-Lase Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation.
Clitoral Hood Reduction
Clitoral hood reduction is a procedure often combined with labiaplasty reduction of the labia minora. Often times when there is extra skin in the region of the labia minora it also extends upward to include the skin of the clitoral hood. Removal of this loose excess skin may be needed in order to have the most attractive and balanced result.
Labia Puffing Procedures
Labial puffing procedures are those that add volume to the labia majora or mons pubis. Some women lose volume in the tissues there, giving a wrinkled, deflated, or saggy appearance. This cause of this depends on body type, weight loss, pregnancy, and aging and may begin to bother some women in their 20s.
Labial puffing is done to rejuvenate this area using hyaluronic acid fillers or one’s own fat to add fullness to the area. This is sometimes done at the same time as labiaplasty to reduce the labia minora, as well as clitoral hood reduction.
Can You Get Fillers for Your Vaginal Lips?
It’s common for the plumpness to disappear from the labia majora over time. This can be particularly noticeable on thin women, those who have lost a significant amount of weight, and after pregnancy and childbirth.
Sometimes the issue is loss of fat, other times it is due to stretching of the skin, and other times it’s a combination of both. There are techniques to address this depending on the issue. This includes labial puffing procedures using various fillers or fat, and in other cases, labia majora reduction.
Monsplasty, or mons lift, is a procedure done to reduce the size of the mons pubis, the at the top of the pubic region. Surgery is done to remove excessive tissue from the mons pubis. The mons pubis is the fat pad overlying the pubic bone and is the hair-bearing area that develops during puberty.This may be bulky and obvious in clothing, giving a puffed up or fatty appearance to the pubic area.
In a highly inconsiderate way, this area is sometimes referred to as a “fupa”, and the mons lift is also called a “fupa lift”.
Monsplasty is often done on its own and is also often done in combination with abdominoplasty and other body contouring procedures.
Depending on how much excess tissue there is, and the quality of that tissue, different techniques may be used for the monsplasty.
Monsplasty Before and After
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Vaginal Rejuvenation can help you regain your confidence. If you are considering a vaginal rejuvenation procedure, you will need to come in for a consultation to learn whether or not you are a candidate for the procedure. Contact our office today at 650-460-7260