FaceTite in San Francisco
Unavoidable as it may be, facial aging is not a life-event that we have to sit back and accept. Numerous surgical and nonsurgical techniques have been developed to help adults effectively manage their personal journey through time. As a patient-centered surgeon, Dr. Fisher is committed to vetting innovative modalities and offering those that produce outstanding results. FaceTite is one that patients are particularly excited about.
What is FaceTite?
The FaceTite procedure involves the use of a device that utilizes radiofrequency (RF) energy to tighten soft tissues and stimulate collagen production. The procedure is performed by placing a probe under the skin surface to transmit energy into the tissues. The internal radiofrequency heat improves skin tone and laxity. This procedure involves very small and well-hidden incisions.
Who Is a Candidate for the Minimally Invasive FaceTite Procedure?
Every face ages differently. Every person also has specific concerns that relate to their unique aging process. FaceTite is an excellent treatment option for the person whose concerns exist in the lower part of the face and neck. If you have considered a mini-facelift or a neck lift but do not feel that you have reached that point at which surgery is really necessary, FaceTite may be ideal for you.
Studies have indicated that a single FaceTite procedure can make a person look 5 to 7 years younger. This is slightly less than the 10-year improvement one gains from a surgical facelift. Additionally, because FaceTite provokes cellular changes that rebuild the superficial layers of tissue beneath the skin, the turnaround in appearance occurs naturally over the course of about a year, which many people appreciate.
Ultimately, FaceTite is considered a viable in-between treatment for the person who has noticed the onset of jowls, sagging neck skin, or a double-chin. More significant tissue laxity in which the muscle and mid-facial fat pads are involved may be better addressed with a surgical lift.
What Areas Can FaceTite Treat?
The device handpiece is versatile and allows us to treat a variety of concerns, such as:
- Mild submental fullness (double chin)
- Looseness at the jawline and on the neck
- Sagging jowls
The FaceTite Procedure
FaceTite is performed under local anesthesia, which means a topical numbing cream is applied to the lower face several minutes before treatment begins. Injections of local anesthetic are also administered at the beginning of the procedure. These two steps sustain comfort throughout the entire treatment process.
To gain access to underlying tissue, Dr. Fisher makes pinhole incisions; one in the crease at the front of each ear, one behind each earlobe, and one under the chin. The numbing fluid is injected through these sites. The handpiece probe is then inserted. The FaceTite handpiece has two probes. One passes under the skin while a parallel probe passes over the skin. These two probes meet at the handpiece and receive energy from a computer device. The radiofrequency energy is then able to pass between both probes to affect the skin from the inside and outside. Incisions are so small that they do not need to be stitched once treatment is completed.
What is NeckTite?
NeckTite is our novel minimally-invasive neck tightening procedure that uses the FaceTite device by InMode. This contouring procedure treats loose skin of the jawline and neck.
What Is the Recovery Process?
You can expect to have swelling and some bruising for 7 to 10 days, but you should be able to return to your normal activities in a week or less. The skin continues to tighten for up to 1 year after a FaceTite treatment.
Is FaceTite Painful?
There is an application of topical numbing cream on the treatment area(s) and the administration of numbing injections ensures patients feel nothing during the actual procedure.
How Many Treatments Are Needed to See Results?
FaceTite radiofrequency treatment has been designed as a one-time treatment. After the initial procedure, tissue remodeling continues for up to 12 months. With this, patients can look 5 to 7 years younger. The results of one FaceTite procedure typically last about 5 years. If additional skin tightening and lifting is desired, we can discuss the best way to reach that goal.
Will I Have Scars After FaceTite?
The FaceTite procedure is performed through pinhole incisions in discreet locations. The situation and size of these incisions make resulting scars barely noticeable, if at all.
Can NeckTite Be Performed with Other Procedures?
This procedure can be combined with liposuction or Morpheus8, which is a radiofrequency microneedling device that resources and tightens skin.
Can FaceTite Be Combined with Other Procedures?
Yes. Patients may choose to combine FaceTite with surgical techniques such as blepharoplasty or brow lift surgery to achieve more dramatic results. Fat grafting or dermal filler injections can also be performed if volume needs to be restored to the mid-face. Textural and pigment improvements may be enhanced with nonsurgical treatments such as skin resurfacing or microneedling. There are countless ways we can help you look as good as you feel on the inside.
What Is the Difference Between FaceTite and a Facelift?
Facelift surgery involves incisions that may extend from the front of the ear to the back. Additional incisions may be made beneath the chin or near the temple depending on the type and extent of lift a patient needs. During a facelift, fatty tissue may be liposuctioned or repositioned to accentuate facial contours. Muscle is lifted across the cheekbones and secured into this higher position. Finally, skin is tightened and the excess is trimmed away. Facelift procedures can be performed under a local anesthetic with sedation or under general anesthesia. Because tissues are manually repositioned, results are long-lasting.
FaceTite is intended to naturally tighten the skin and underlying superficial tissue. The minimally invasive procedure does so by heating the dermis with radiofrequency energy. The heat destroys unnecessary fat cells, which can eliminate a double chin. It also causes immediate collagen contraction, making the face look smoother, firmer, and younger. Unlike a facelift, the FaceTite procedure does not affect the muscle nor does it reposition fat or other tissue.
What is EmbraceRF?
EmbraceRF is our novel and minimally-invasive contouring procedure that treats loose skin of the jawline and neck. This innovative treatment uses radio-frequency to help improve facial contours by firming the skin and slimming stubborn areas of fat.
How does it work?
The innovative EmbraceRF procedure combines two technologies, FaceTite and Morpheus8, to contour the face and neck. FaceTite utilizes radiofrequency-assisted lipolysis to simultaneously dissolve fat and tighten the skin. The internal radiofrequency heat improves skin tone and laxity. FaceTite is performed by placing a probe under the skin surface to transmit energy into the tissues and involves very small and well-hidden incisions. Morpheus8 is a fractional skin resurfacing treatment that combines radio frequency energy with microneedling to restore and tighten skin.
Who is a candidate for EmbraceRF?
Candidates will have visible signs of loose skin on the face and neck that contributes to jowling, folds, and creases. Patients should be in good health and not have any serious medical conditions.
What areas of the body is EmbraceRF designed to treat?
EmbraceRF is a minimally-invasive contouring procedure designed for the lower face, jawline and neck area.
What is the recovery process?
You can expect to have swelling and some bruising for 7 to 10 days, but you should be able to return to your normal activities in a week or less. The skin continues to tighten for up to one year after an EmbraceRF treatment.
Is the EmbraceRF treatment painful?
There is an application of topical numbing cream on the treatment area(s) and the administration of numbing injections ensures patients feel nothing during the actual procedure.
How many treatments are needed to see results?
It’s a one-step procedure that can be performed in about an hour under local anesthesia or using mild sedation.
Request a Consultation

Schedule a Consultation
If you are interested in learning more about FaceTite, contact our Palo Alto, CA office today at 650-460-7260. Our practice, Elite Transformations, is located in the San Francisco Bay Area.