Important Details You Need to Know about Rhinoplasty
- Posted on: Sep 15 2017
It doesn’t take much investigative work to realize the rhinoplasties are all around us. A good number of celebrities have undergone this procedure to refine the central feature on their face. A well-performed nose job is not the kind of surgery that results in compliments like “nice nose job!;” this surgery is intended to create the natural size and curvature that fits the individual face.
Are you considering the value of rhinoplasty in your life? We believe you deserve to have the nose you want. A few things we think you should know are . . .
It’s your face that wants the new nose.
Obviously, it’s your sense of self that is affected when your nose doesn’t fit your face. The statement about your face wanting the new nose refers to the need for customization. As long as rhinoplasties have been around, there are patients who visit their plastic surgeon with pictures of a celebrity or model with the request “I want that nose.” The truth of the matter is, a nose that you love on someone else’s face may be no more at home in your face than the nose you currently have and want to swap out.
The best results from rhinoplasty come from having an open mind – and from carefully choosing a cosmetic surgeon who will take your entire facial structure into consideration when planning rhinoplasty. Ultimately, our goal is to refine the shape and size of your nose to suit your facial structure and your preferences for masculine or feminine curvature. That is how beauty is created! Also, full disclosure from your surgeon, and the knowledge that no nose is perfection from tip to bridge reduces the chance that you may want revision rhinoplasty at a later time.
You need to give yourself a break.
The idea of rhinoplasty can seem intimidating, especially if you put yourself through the torment of following misperceptions. Two specific pieces of advice . . .
One, do not watch videos of the rhinoplasty procedure. Know that your surgery will not be painful. In fact, the recovery from rhinoplasty is much more comfortable than it looks. Watching what happens during surgery could prevent you from taking that step that you so want to take.
Two, consult with your cosmetic surgeon about the process. Some people expect to have “packing” in their nose for several days and have heard that the unpacking of gauze can be quite uncomfortable. Most minor rhinoplasties do not involve packing these days, only a mild adhesive strip.
Expectations are everything when it comes to rhinoplasty. To learn the facts about this surgery, contact our San Francisco Bay Area office today.
Posted in: Rhinoplasty