Top 5 FAQs of Male Breast Reduction

Male breast reduction Palo Alto, CAIf you are a man living with enlarged breasts, you know how self-conscious it can make you feel. You may feel wary of wearing tighter shirts, or avoid activities like swimming or exercising. Enlarged male breasts (called gynecomastia) is a condition where excessive male breast tissue is present. Male breast reduction can help reduce this extra tissue to provide a firmer, flatter, more defined chest.  If you’re considering male breast reduction, you’re bound to have questions. Here, we answer the five most frequently asked questions about this procedure.

1. Who is a good candidate for male breast reduction?

Patients who are the best candidates can clearly define their reason for wanting the surgery. They also understand both the benefits and limitations of gynecomastia, as well as the potential risks. Patients must be in good overall physical and mental health with the understanding that they’ll be required to make healthy lifestyle choices to maintain results.

2. How should I prepare?

Before surgery, your doctor will provide detailed instructions that you will need to follow completely. You will be advised to stop taking blood thinners like aspirin, Advil, St. John’s Wort and Ginkgo Biloba. And you won’t be able to eat or drink anything for at least 8 hours prior to surgery. Wear comfortable clothing the day of your procedure, and arrange for someone to accompany you to and from the doctor’s office.

3. How much pain will I have?

Pain and discomfort is typically minor, but prescription pain medication will be prescribed to make sure you’re as comfortable as possible after surgery.

4. Will there be scarring?

Patients usually have an inconspicuous scar about one inch long in the lower part of the areola. When liposuction is involved, tiny scars may remain in the chest or armpit. If you need more involved procedure, talk to your doctor about the type of scarring you can expect.

5. Do I need to take time off?

Yes, but your downtime will depend on the type of work you do and the nature of your particular procedure. Typical patients take between three to 10 days off post-surgery.

Treating gynecomastia with male breast reduction surgery can help reshape the male chest and dramatically improve the shape and proportion of the body, enhancing a man’s appearance and his self-esteem.

Schedule a Consultation

Contact our professional representatives in the San Francisco Bay Area for more details on our life-changing male breast reduction treatment.

Posted in: Male Breast Reduction

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